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Inspection/Transfer Request

Please review and fill out the form thoroughly and upload all the required documents.

You are only required to submit this form once for each placement. This form is used to request a unit inspection, obtain the property title, confirm property ownership, and conduct rent comparables. Aside from being used to request unit inspection services, the form will also be used to request furniture and stabilization services.​

  • Inspection Request: Upon submission, the request will be assigned to a team member within one business day.

  • Transfer Request: If stabilization and/or furniture services are requested, the request will also be sent to the proper department to assign the case and schedule furniture delivery. Once the request is dispatched, you will receive additional information.

    Do not forget to notify the Permanent Housing Placement Coordinator(s) and stabilization of finalized move-in date.


Case Manager Contact Information

Participant Information

Landlord Information

Unit Information

Upload file
Upload file

Other information:

Your inspection request has been submitted. Thank you.

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